Biomedical Statistics Course

Biomedical Statistics Course

Correct interpretation of research study data and modeling a research project are an integral part of the successful implementation of every scientific project. The course of Biomedical Statistics is suitable for doctors, medical students and doctoral students who are interested in acquiring basic skills in the field of statistics, processing of collected data and their interpretation. The graduate of the course should understand the importance of statistical analysis, data processing and practically use the acquired knowledge in the interpretation of medical studies, as well as in leading their own research project.


  • Recognized expert in biomedical physics, as well as a guarantor in the interdisciplinary study program Biomedical Physics at the 1st level, Department of Nuclear Physics and Biophysics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava
  • Lecturer of professional seminars within the IRIS Alumni Club, Premedix Academy
  • Professional mentor of students and supervisor of bachelor's and master's theses
  • Clinical research consultant for several biomedical projects in the field of statistical data processing
  • Her scientific and pedagogical results have been rewarded with several awards.

The course content

  • Relationship between evidence - based medicine and statistics
  • Working with a data file, descriptive statistics and data distribution
  • Introduction to testing statistical hypotheses
  • Parametric significance tests, nonparametric alternatives
  • Correlation and regression
  • Application of statistical testing in research and data interpretation