What’s New

We are proud to announce that our latest research has been published in EHJ-DH! 🎉

We are proud to announce that our latest research has been published in EHJ-DH! 🎉

This publication marks a significant step forward.
STOP SHOCK score is a simple ML-based tool available at first medical contact showing high performance for prediction of developing cardiogenic shock during hospitalization in acute coronary syndrome patients. 💓

📖 Read the full publication HERE
🧮 Online calculator HERE

What a year for Premedix Academy!

What a year for Premedix Academy!

✅ Presented our research at global conferences like ESC Acute Cardiovascular Care in Athens and ESC Congress in London, where our abstract was accepted for Late Breaking Science.
✅ Our #stopshock paper was accepted for publication in European Heart Journal - Digital Health.
✅ Hosted a successful IRIS 2024 event.
✅ The Team is still growing
✅ Celebrated the growth of SEERLINQ, our spin-off, which is advancing remote cardiology monitoring for heart failure patients.

Thank you to our team and supporters for making this year amazing! 


A report from the IRIS 2024 summer school has been published

A report from the IRIS 2024 summer school has been published

The IRIS 2024 (Bratislava, Slovakia) again in-person formathas been published in the Heart, Vessels & Transplantation journal. 
Feel free to read about the organization, program and the acomplishments of the participants of this years International Research Interdisciplinary School, which was finally in in-person format after three years of restrictions. 

EXCITING NEWS!  Three of Our Research  Projects to be Presented at ESC 2024 Congress

EXCITING NEWS! Three of Our Research Projects to be Presented at ESC 2024 Congress

We are thrilled to announce that three of our research abstracts have been accepted for presentation at the prestigious European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2024 Congress (click).
Dr. Allan Böhm will be presenting these three research projects:

  • Tailoring heart failure therapy using novel non-invasive remote monitoring of cardiac filling pressures
    30 August
  • Machine-learning based scoring system to predict cardiogenic shock in acute coronary syndrome
    30 August
  • Point-of-care screening for heart failure with reduced ejection fraction using simple pulse oximetry
    1 September
ESC Congress 2024 LONDON

ESC Congress 2024 LONDON

Another great achievement of our team 💪

Our Abstract was accepted for presentation at ESC Congress 2024 in London! 🤩

International Research Interdisciplinary School 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia

International Research Interdisciplinary School 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia

❗️ Registration is OPEN 🤓
International Research Interdisciplinary School (IRIS) 2024 is here! 🤩 Are you a young PhD student? Or do you have your PhD and starting your own research? Or do you lack skills in doing research after years of doing it somehow? Join us! 👩‍🔬🧑‍💼
Four intensive days with our international faculty, full of discussions about how to create a research study protocol.
See you in June in Bratislava! 
More about IRIS Summer School: https://premedixacademy.org/iris/offers/6
APPLICATION FORM: https://docs.google.com/.../10vpGzraA.../edit
Or you can contact us: iris@premedix.org
❗️the number of participants is limited.

Acute Cardiovascular Care Conference in Athens

Acute Cardiovascular Care Conference in Athens

Why thrombolysis in intermediate-high risk pulmonary embolism patients might be beneficial?  Allan Böhm will talk on Friday 8th of March!

2023 summary

2023 summary

2023 was amazing and we look forward to what 2024 will bring 🤩🤩💪

Thank you all for being with us! 🤓

Podcast (NextStepScience): Dr. Allan Böhm - Budúcnosť medicíny je personalizovaná

Podcast (NextStepScience): Dr. Allan Böhm - Budúcnosť medicíny je personalizovaná

Our Allan Böhm was talking about personalized medicine. LISTEN HERE

➡How does Premedix work and what was the journey of its founder.
➡What is the main idea that Premedix is guided by?
➡What does the term precision medicine mean and what is its future in Slovakia.

The American Heart Association - Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award for our abstract!

The American Heart Association - Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award for our abstract!

Can't wait to present our abstract at the AHA Congress in Philadelphia this week! 🤩🤩
"Prospective Clinical Validation Of The STOPSHOCK Smartphone Application - Artificial Intelligence Model For Prediction Of Cardiogenic Shock In Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome"
NOV-12, 4:30 pm ET, Pennsylvania Convention Center 👨‍💼
So honoured for our whole #stopshock team to receive the American Heart Association 2023 Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award for this abstract! 🤓

We are presenting on AHA congress in Philadelphia, PA !

We are presenting on AHA congress in Philadelphia, PA !

Our abstract Prospective Clinical Validation Of The STOPSHOCK Smartphone Application - Artificial Intelligence Model For Prediction Of Cardiogenic Shock In Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome was accepted for an oral presentation! 
Presentation: NOV-12, 4:30pm ET, Pennsylvania Convention Center

IRIS 2023 online - apply now!

IRIS 2023 online - apply now!

International Research Interdisciplinary School (IRIS) 2023: 21-24 OCT

Are you a young PhD student? Or do you have your PhD and starting your own research? Or do you lack skills in doing research after years of doing it somehow? Join us! 👩‍🔬🧑‍💼🤓
Four intensive days with you and our international faculty, full of discussions about how to create a research study protocol. 📄📊🧪
More about IRIS Summer School & APPLICATION FORM

We are presenting on A-CURE 2023!

We are presenting on A-CURE 2023!

Are you attending A-Cure in Amsterdam? ❤️‍🩹
Do not miss our presentation! 🤩 Allan Bohm will talk about our big project - Aug24, 1:20pm 🤓📲. The title of the presentation is STOP SHOCK: Artificial Intelligence Model for Prediction of Cardiogenic Shock and MCS Use.
More info

Our abstract was accepted to AHA 2023 conference in Philadelphia!

Our abstract was accepted to AHA 2023 conference in Philadelphia!

Our abstract Prospective Clinical Validation Of The STOPSHOCK Smartphone Application - Artificial Intelligence Model For Prediction Of Cardiogenic Shock In Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome, was accepted for an oral presentation - AHA 2023, Philadelphia, PA.

Read our research papers!

Read our research papers!

We are on ResearchGate where you can find our published papers!

Academy Writing Course

Academy Writing Course

Registration is open! 
More info & registration  HERE.

ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2023

ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2023

Don't miss our presentations at this year's Congress!
- Seerlinq: non invasive fluid status monitoring in heart failure
Speaker: Branislav Bezak, Premedix Academy; Date: 24 March 2023; Time: 14:30 - 14:50
- Machine learning score to predict cardiogenic shock in patients with myocardial infarction (#STOPSHOCK) 
Speaker: Allan Bohm, Premedix Academy; Date: 24 March 2023; Time: 14:50 - 15:10
- A.I. - based prediction of cardiogenic shock
Speaker: Allan Bohm, Premedix Academy; Date: 25 March 2023; Time: 08:45 - 09:00
- Vasodilators in cardiogenic shock
Speaker: Allan Bohm, Premedix Academy; Date: 25 March 2023; Time: 11:57 - 12:09

Scientific Programme

New interview with Dr. Allan Böhm

New interview with Dr. Allan Böhm

In this interview, Allan Böhm, MD, PhD, MBA, FESC, FJCS talks about his journey to his career as a cardiologist and scientist, and also how to improve patient care in the near future.

For Slovak-speaking audiences, you can listen to the interview HERE.

Podcast & Article

Podcast & Article

The podcast & article (in Slovak) with our Ljuba Bacharova are online! 
You can learn new information about our heart, ECG, and science. 

New Review published!

New Review published!

Our review Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia: The Role of Biomarkers was published! 
Read here

Podcast: ECG Diagnosis of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Podcast: ECG Diagnosis of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Podcast "ECG Diagnosis of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy" is online! Interesting interview with our Ljuba Bacharova M.D., D.Sc., M.B.A. for Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular CME
Listen here.

EMJ Cardiology Interview: Allan Böhm

EMJ Cardiology Interview: Allan Böhm

The latest issue of EMJ Cardiology is out and it features an interview with Dr. Allan Böhm where he discusses his role in the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), technological innovations in cardiovascular prevention and of course, Premedix.

Thank you to EMJ for including us and a lovely collaboration.

Read the full interview here.

European Researchers' Night 2022

European Researchers' Night 2022

Dr. Allan Böhm had a chance to talk a little bit about himself and about what we do at Premedix together with other finalists of the Exceptional young scientist in Slovakia under the age of 35 category during Juraj Petrovič's science show .jednoducho veda (.simply science) from the European Researchers' Night in collaboration with the ESET Science Award.

If you missed the opportunity to watch the episode live, you can still watch it here.

Dr. Allan Böhm - Finalist of the ESET Science Award

Dr. Allan Böhm - Finalist of the ESET Science Award

Another  big success of our CEO & Chief Medical Officer, cardiologist Allan Böhm, MD, PhD, MBA, FESC, FJCS! He is the finalist of ESET Science Award - Outstanding Scientist in Slovakia Under the Age of 35.

The award is granted to a young scientist under the age of 35 whose activity may be regarded as an exceptional contribution to the Slovak scientific field with great future potential.

Allan Böhm leads the clinic and academy of precision medicine - Premedix, works at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases in Bratislava, teaches at the Faculty of Medicine of the Comenius University in Bratislava and studies at the University of Oxford. In his research, he combines the methods of molecular biology, digital technologies and artificial intelligence in cardiology.

Dr. Allan Böhm was awarded a silver medal!

Dr. Allan Böhm was awarded a silver medal!

Our very own Dr. Allan Böhm, MD, PhD, MBA, FESC, FJCS was awarded! The Silver Medal of the European Society of Cardiology recognises outstanding contributions to the life and mission of the organization. He received the award during the 2022 ESC Congress in Barcelona. We are ready more than ever to deliver high-quality research and clinical care to heal patients!

IRIS: The International Research Interdisciplinary School 2022 (online)

IRIS: The International Research Interdisciplinary School 2022 (online)

The call is open! The IRIS courses are focused on developing skills to carry out research projects, based on a practical - problem-based approach, communication skills, developing skills in international research team building and networking, establishing enjoyable cross-discipline/cross-cultural collaboration, and encouraging researchers to publish scientific papers. An important effort of IRIS activities is to build an international network of young researchers and mentors in biomedical research, as well as to develop and support national research capacities and activities.

For registration click here.

Ljuba Bacharova, MD, DSc, MBA awarded

Ljuba Bacharova, MD, DSc, MBA awarded

Ljuba is internationally recognized scientific professional, the executive editor of the Journal of Electrocardiology, and an editorial board member of several international scientific journals. She was the president of the International Society for Electrocardiology and later also the secretary. In addition to lecturing at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, and the Slovak Medical University, she has been organizing The  IRIS Summer Schools  around the globe.

Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021

Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021

Our original research article Association Between Apelin and Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With High Risk of Ischemic Stroke was selected among top 13  articles to be included in Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine Highlights in Cardiac Rhythmology: 2021 collection.

This collection highlights a selection of high quality articles published in 2021 from the Cardiac Rhythmology section of Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine.

The specialty section Cardiac Rhythmology aims to advance the understanding of underlying mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias and conduction disturbances.

Premedix Academy presents at  ESC Acute CardioVascular Care Congress 2022

Premedix Academy presents at ESC Acute CardioVascular Care Congress 2022

…what if AI could tell us which patient with acute myocardial infarction will develop cardiogenic shock…

Our abstract “Artificial intelligence model for prediction of cardiogenic shock in patients with acute coronary syndrome (STOP SHOCK)” was accepted and will be presented at this year’s ACVC congress.

Learn more about STOP SHOCK project here.


See the programme
Optimizing the treatment of heart failure using the latest telemedicine methods

Optimizing the treatment of heart failure using the latest telemedicine methods

  • How to optimize the treatment based on telemedicine monitoring?
  • Can artificial intelligence predict a deterioration of patient's health?
  • How to use gold-standard therapy such as beta-blockers in combination with the latest technological advances in medicine?

Watch our latest webinar to learn more about telemedicine and its use in current clinical practice with the speaker, Allan Böhm, MD, PhD., MBA, FESC.

Watch now
Cutting Edge Telemedicine Presented at the Turkish National Cardiology Congress

Cutting Edge Telemedicine Presented at the Turkish National Cardiology Congress

Dr. Allan Böhm, PhD, MBA, FESC, lectures at the Turkish National Cardiology Congress on the Intelligent Monitoring Program, which we are currently launching at Premedix Clinic. You can read here how we can avoid acute medical emergencies thanks to artificial intelligence and telemedicine.

Read more
Heart Under Control Press Conference

Heart Under Control Press Conference

The new project Heart Under Control will through the use of digital medicine help people with hypertension (high blood pressure) manage their health without in-person doctor visits.

Read more
IRIS Summer School 2021

IRIS Summer School 2021

An integral part of the scientific work is being able to obtain research grants and publish results of your research. This year, Premedix Academy again decided to organize IRIS Summer School 2021 in Slovakia. The foreign faculty and participants from all around the world discussed and cooperated to create successful research study protocols.

Read more
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